Eastside meet westside

Do you still believe that you are just a body, do you still believe that you are just a body that responds to various symptoms?
Do you still believe that you don't have a mind and soul that can get out of balance just like the body?
Do you still believe that this is all nonsense?

I am very pleased to introduce you to this special treatment. 
A combination of Ayurveda & Reiki.

 The Abhyanga massage is the highest form of wellness 

Pure pleasure and relaxation, through special massage techniques and the right herbal oil, blocked energies are brought back to flow.
This Ayurvedic massage technique follows a holistic approach and addresses the physical as well as the psychological and medical levels.
The first priority is physical relaxation, the loosening of muscles, tendons, and bones. Massage can open channels in the body that expel toxins and undigested waste. The oil penetrates deep into the body, tightening the connective tissue and nourishing the muscles.

The Ayurvedic Abhyanga massage relieves stress, reduces muscle stiffness, regulates bio-energies, detoxifies the body, promotes lymphatic drainage, and is considered an elixir of beauty. Ayurvedic teachings assume that this can also release blockages in the soul. In addition, the warmed oil gives many people a feeling of security. The healing effect is achieved through special herbs that are added to the oil. Traditional organic ayurvedic oils and homemade oils from local plants, have a rejuvenating effect on the skin and make you appear healthier. In addition, this Ayurvedic massage activates the self-healing powers and stimulates digestion.

Nature gives us a variety of herbs and plants, as well as the world of minerals. They all serve to purify and strengthen body, mind, and soul.
The treatment is rounded off with the gentle and powerful energy of Reiki. The universal energy dissolves blockages and brings the life energy in the body to flow again. The main energy centres, also called chakras, are activated. The energy highways of the body are cleansed and energised at high speed. This serves to make you feel more vital and harmonious, which is reflected in the radiant complexion of the skin after the treatment.

A wonderful combination of the ancient tradition of Ayurveda, the plant and mineral world and the universal life energy.

I look forward to touching and accompanying you on the body, mind, and soul level.

Duration of treatment: 75 min
Price on request


Booking here

"my hand is god. my hand is limitlessly blissful.
this hand keeps all healing secrets that make whole with its gentle touch."

-quote from the rigveda- 

