Maria de Toro Gonzalez

Hello I am Maria. My focus is on Ayurveda, Reiki, Ancestral Healing and Yoga. I have been a health insurance certified yoga teacher in Germany since 2007. I lived in the City Yoga Ashram in Mainz for two years and worked as a teacher, docent, and manager, guiding hundreds of students through their personal yoga practice and training. The curiosity to purify the body and mind more intensively and to develop a deeper awareness of it brought me to the health teachings of Ayurveda. After spending almost a year in India, studying Ayurveda with Dr. Ranade, and travelling, the journey ended in Mallorca in 2010 where I worked as an Ayurveda therapist/health consultant & yoga teacher specialising in Panchakarma & Detoxing in various renowned wellness hotels.

And caught by curiosity again, in 2015 my spiritual journey continued, and I was initiated into the first degree of Reiki, the universal life energy, and in 2020 as a Reiki Master, allowing me to gain a deeper insight into the cleansing and activation of the energy centres (Chakras) of our body in full speed time. Reiki promotes personal growth and spiritual development. It activates the self-healing powers and strengthens the basic trust. Mente sana in corpus sano. The deep understanding of our bodies, which are not only made of flesh and blood, but also of energy, that which we cannot see, but feel. Ayurveda and Reiki are a perfect combination of manual and energetic work, or like Fill two needs with one deed.

As a nature lover I use the power of plants and in 2019 I got initiated as an "Ancestral Healer" by "Raices de la tierra", which comes from the tradition of Mexico and the red thread of the Lakota Indian tradition. Since then I have been harnessing the powerful force of medicinal plants and creating plant-based aura sprays to cleanse, protect and support our vision quests. The LITTLE HEROES Aura Sprays refresh, strengthen, smell wonderful and are always ready.

It has always been very important to me to pass on the knowledge I have learned and personally experienced on my numerous long-distance journeys through India, Asia, Indonesia, and South America. All cultures have something in common, it is about the "knowledge of long and healthy life".


What can you expect with me?
The highest form of wellness is the Abhyana massage from Ayurveda. I have specialised in this form of massage and combine it with gentle Reiki therapy as an Ayur-Reiki treatment. This form of therapy is very relaxing and beneficial. Read more about it on the TREATMENTS pages.



As a scanner personality I am able to sensitively sense where you are at the moment. To pick you up where you are right now. Every person is unique and different, and I am happy to accompany you wholeheartedly. To accompany you back to your centre, to your heart, to healing, to understanding and to your nature, with all the tools I have been given over the decades.

I look forward to welcoming you.

